Hello, my name is Jenny Connatty
The Queen's Educational Enchantment
Telling these exquisite, often unknown stories, has become something of a mission for me, since knowing them well, gives the child all the references he will need to develop the intelligence of the emotions.
With this in mind, I have developed
The Storytelling Mindfully Scheme
so that adults and children can enter fully into the valuable experience of hearing, memorising and retelling a treasured story in their own way.
Enchanting Party Entertainment
Family and School friendly For 3 to 103 years!
Fairytales, Interactive Drama, Dance, Music, Puppetry, Juggling, Fun and Laughter.
Boys of three to nine years, love this entertainment - juggling and meaty stories light their fire – a fairytale is rarely about fairies!
I gave myself a royal title and costume to captivate my young audience. A clear authoritative presence is essential when engaging with today's children - their interest must be caught quickly if they are to be wowed with something as old fashioned as a fairy tale.

In my role as Queen of Stories, I like to suggest to the younger children, that I reside in ‘The Palace of Imaginings'.
See Queen’s letter They relate to me as they would Father Christmas - a mysterious magical person with the gift of a story... the older children – wise to the is conspiracy, enjoy sharing the secret that I am really an actress, entertaining with my tales whilst teaching others to tell stories.
This authenticity and the theatricality of my costume is enough to take them with me!